Fun exercises

Making Exercise Effortless and Fun

Have you ever been so engrossed in an activity that you didn’t notice time passing? That’s called being in “the flow.” Flow is a mental state in which your full attention is on the task at hand, blocking out all other inputs and making the experience effortless and enjoyable. It’s that feeling of complete engagement where time seems to fly, and you’re left wondering, “Where did the time go?”

Now, imagine bringing this sense of flow into your exercise routine. Exercising not because you have to, but because you genuinely want to. Creating a fitness experience that makes it easier to incorporate into your lifestyle.

The key is to find activities that put you in “the zone,” that sweet spot of true engagement. It might sound like a lofty goal, but think about those times you danced the night away with friends, not feeling tired or bored. It’s entirely possible to achieve this state of flow in your workouts.

So, are you ready to find fun exercises you can’t get enough of? Here’s how:

1. Set up a Challenge

A challenge can add a spark to your motivation because it makes the task more appealing. When you have a clear goal you’re more likely to work for it.

Start by setting goals for your training sessions. Challenge yourself to beat your own running time or complete as many rounds of a circuit as possible in 10 minutes. Adding a competitive edge to your workouts can make them more engaging.

2. Build a Skill

Skill-based activities are fun because they provide a dynamic and engaging platform for personal growth, offering a continuous challenge that keeps both the mind and body actively involved.

Look for activities that require practice to improve. Whether it’s mastering a dance choreography, a challenging yoga pose, or perfecting a taekwondo kick, building skills adds a layer of focus and progression to your fitness routine.

3. Cooperation and Competition

Engage in team sports that blend cooperation and competition. Working towards a shared goal with others in a team setting can provide a sense of purpose and motivation. It’s not just about individual achievement; it’s about collaborating to reach a specific outcome.

The combination of challenge, social interaction, and a common purpose contributes to the overall enjoyment and fulfillment derived from these activities.

Take Away

Finding the right activity might take some trial and error. It could be a goal-oriented challenge, a skill-building endeavor, or a team-based sport. For some, like myself, the path to flow was discovered in pole fitness. The key is to explore different options until you find the one that truly resonates with you, making exercise a source of joy and fulfillment rather than a mundane task. So, lace up your shoes, set a challenge, build a skill, or join a team – and let the flow of fitness become a natural part of your lifestyle.

If you need help establishing an exercise routine, we would love to give you a hand. Click here to see our services or here if you’d like ho have a chat.

Step by Step: Crushing Resolutions Without Breaking a Sweat

Ah, the annual ritual of “New year, new you.” Guilt from holiday overindulgence sets in, and suddenly, we’re face-to-face with the mirror, contemplating the need for a change. And nothing like the fitness industry to make us feel inadequate. Suddenly, we’re bombarded with weight loss ads, body transformations, and detox diets. It’s like the universe yelling at us to go big or go home.

So, fueled by excitement and perhaps a touch of leftover holiday sugar rush, we go all-in. We’re talking the whole shebang – diet, exercise, sleep, meditation, the works. Two weeks later, reality hits: we’re barely keeping up, the diet is on life support, workouts are a distant memory, meditation lasted about as long as a tub of ice cream in our freezer, and early bedtime? Please, that was never our thing. Oh well, we tried.

Why Resolutions Don’t Stick

The problem? We fixate on the outcome – usually losing weight – without acknowledging that we can’t really control the scale. Going big, in this case, doesn’t necessarily mean better; in fact, it often sets us up for a spectacular crash. All that willpower and grand planning lead to commitments we’re not ready to keep. The result? Disappointment, frustration, and a diet plan that was, let’s be honest, destined for the graveyard.

Reality check: a good plan isn’t about the fanfare. It’s about recognizing your starting point, leveraging what you’re good at, and working around those quirks of yours. A good plan doesn’t have to be a dazzling display of complexity; it’s about focusing on what you can control – your actions. Small steps, my friends, small steps.

So, instead of tackling life with a total overhaul that lasts as long as your average houseplant, let’s go small – like microscopic.

How to Fix It

My suggestion? Find one thing that doesn’t make you break a sweat just thinking about it. Commit to that for a month. Track your progress like it’s your favorite Netflix series. Then, after a month, pat yourself on the back and ask, “What’s my next logical step?”

Do this for 12 months, and voilà! You’ve taken 12 manageable steps towards a better you. You’ll be brimming with confidence, armed with new skills, and feeling like a success story all year round. Forget the grandiose plans; life is about the small victories and the laughs along the way. After all, who said resolutions have to be hard?

Need help with a plan that suits you? Let’s chat;)

3 reasons why you shouldn’t set weight-loss as a goal

How many times have you said that you were going to lose weight? And how many times have you given up before you got there?

According to several researches, almost half of the adult population of the USA (49.1% – CDC 2018), UK (48% – Mintel 2016) and Australia (46% – DAA 2017) are actively trying to lose weight.  Unfortunately, the success rates seem to be very low because many people make several attempts throughout their lifetime.

But what is the real problem here? Is weight-loss a mythical creature that no one seems to know how to capture?

In my perspective, the problem lies on how we have been conditioned to approach weight-loss and it all starts with the goal setting process.

You see, for most people, weight-loss is not even a goal. At best, it is an intention. The same as getting rich, being successful or finding happiness. What does it even mean?

The big shift

If you have been struggling with weight-loss, you must watch this video. In this video, I explain how a simple shift in perspective can improve your long-term motivation and commitment, helping you staying on track.

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

You know how we can feel very confident one minute and totally inadequate the next?

Well, that happens because we are constantly comparing ourselves to others. It’s not as if we do this on purpose. It happens automatically in our unconscious mind.

You see, in order to process the immense amount of information that comes our way every second, the unconscious mind must find a way to filter what is relevant and important.

Lessons from a Fitness Challenge

The fitness industry loves Challenges. And at this time of the year, they seem to be everywhere: “40-day build challenge” or “12 weeks to a bikini body.“

I’ve never been very fond of challenges because they tend to reinforce behavioural patterns and beliefs that are not beneficial.

For instance, most challenges are short-lived contributing to the erroneous belief that losing weight (or building muscle) is a fast process. To deliver results in such short period of time, most programs rely on endorsing extreme behaviours that are not realistic (or safe) for the average person. Those behaviours generate an enormous amount of deprivation which could potentially lead to unhealthy compensatory behaviours (binging, purging or over exercising). Besides, most programs don’t expand on how to maintain the results, so once the challenge is over you are on your own.

How to Stay Committed to Your Goals

You know how people start very excited about a goal just to lose motivation within a few weeks?

This is because it is normal to experience an emotional roller coaster as we pursue a goal. One day, we are super excited and passionate. The other, we may feel overwhelmed and discouraged.

The biggest challenge is to go through the downs without falling off the bandwagon. But how do we do that?

In this video, I share my top tip for staying connected and committed to your goals even during hard times.

How to Avoid the Emotional Roller Coaster

The journey towards any goal is seldom a straight line. More often than not you will face challenges. It’s a normal part of the process.

But the problem is that these challenges may have a direct effect on your mind, creating a turmoil of emotions. Emotions that if not taken care of, tend to escalate to humongous proportions preventing you to reach your goals and dreams.

Let’s take a closer look at the emotional roller coaster that is a fitness journey.

Three steps to achieve anything this year

Another year is over. There is something about new beginnings that fill our hearts with hope. Hope that this time everything will work out. That things will be different.

But the truth is that it will only be different, if you are willing to do something different this time.

No, this is not another post about setting New Year’s Resolutions. We know very well that they don’t work. It’s also not about setting SMART goals. And while I do like setting goals, I also know that they are easier said than done.

People don’t fail because they can’t set goals. They fail because they can’t follow through.


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